Atica Penthouse - tingimused - the terms and conditions

Tere tulemast Atica Penthous’i

Teil on peatumise ajaks autole 1 tasuta parkimiskoht.
Meil kehtivad korteris lihtsad reeglid:
• Lemmikloomad pole lubatud
• pidude keeld (trahv kuni 500 eurot)
• Toas suitsetamine keelatud
• Vaikne aeg 23.00-07.00

Palun pane tähele:
• Sissepääs hoonesse on hoovi poolt.
• Jalgsi Sisehoovi pääseb ilma võtmeta.
• Autoga hoovi pääseb ainult võtmega (puldiga).
• 1 parkimiskoha kasutamine sisehoovis on Teile tasuta (puldi tagatisraha 60€).
• Hoonesse sisenemiseks vajate välisukse kontrollerit (tagatisraha 40€)
• Korterisse sisenemiseks võtit pole vaja. Korteril on nutilukk ja korterit saab avada kahel viisil:

  • numbrikombinatsiooni kasutamine (saate selle sisseregistreerimisel)
  • kasutades nutitelefoni Bluetoothi, eelinstallitud rakendusega "TT LOCK". Selle rakenduse saate alla laadida kas APP STORE'ist või GOOGLE PLAY'st või hankida linke saidilt:
    Deposiitmaksed mida nõuame:
    • 60€ parkimiskoha väravaavaja pult
    • 40€ välisukse kontroller
    • Kahjutagatis 200€ (lisatakse arvele)
    Saate kviitungi sularahas tasutud deposiidi osas. Me tagastame kõik tasutud deposiidid teie pangakontole 1 pangapäeva jooksul pärast Teie külastust.

Teie Saabumise võimalikult lihtsaks muutmiseks saatke meile oma e-posti aadress, mobiiltelefoni nr. esimesel võimalusel saadame numbrikombinatsiooni korterisse pääsemiseks luku jaoks ja ka parooli ukseluku rakenduse kasutamiseks (kui otsustate seda kasutada ka nutitelefoniga). Teatage ka oma täpne saabumisaeg – siis same Teile korteri ilma viivitusteta üle anda.
Loodame siiralt, et see erilise disainiga suurepärase terrassiga korter on teile meeldib.

Parimate soovidega,
AticaPenthouse OÜ | Tartu mnt. 51-56, | 10115 Tallinn | Eesti | | | mob. +372 53 055 135 | Whats App +372 53 796 104 |

Welcome to Atica penthouse

You can have 1 free parking space for duration of your stay.
We have simple rules in the apartment:
• No pets
• No parties (penalty up to 500 euros)
• No smoking inside
• Quiet time 23.00-07.00

Please pay attention:
• The entrance to the building is form the courtyard.
• By foot You can enter to the courtyard without a key.
• By car You can enter to the courtyard only with a key (remote-controller).
• To use 1 parking place in the courtyard is free for You (on arrival to get the key You must pay deposit).
• To get into building You need a key front door controller
• To get into apartment You dont need a key. The apartment has a smart-lock and You can open the apartment in two ways: -using number combination (Youll get it at check-in)
-using smartphone Bluetooth, with pre-installed app called: "TT LOCK". You can download this app from either the APP STORE or GOOGLE PLAY or get links from the site:
Deposit payments we require:
• 60€ for parking space gate opener remote-controller (in cash on site or by bank transfer)
• 40€ for front door controller (in cash on site or by bank transfer)
• 200€ damage deposit (will be added to invoice)
You`ll leave your bank account number and get receipt - we will pay your deposit(s) back during 1 banking days after your stay.

To make your arrival easy as possible, please send to us your e-mail address, mobilephone no. as soon as possible and we will send the number combination for lock to get into apartment and also password for using of door lock app (if You choose to use it as well with smart phone). Also let us know your exact arrival time - then we will hand over the apartment to you without delay.
We truly hope, that You will find this specially designed apartment with superior balcony pleasing.
Please send us Your email address; your exact arrival time (we will give you remote controller for car parking and front door opener) and see You soon!

With best regards,
AticaPenthouse OÜ | Tartu rd. 51-56, | 10115 Tallinn | Estonia | | | mob. +372 53 055 135 | Whats App +372 53 796 104 |